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2025-03-12 08:32:10 +0000
Azure DevOps Migration Tools are mainly powered by configuration which allows you to control most aspects of the execution flow. This page will guide you through the configuration options available to you.
Creating a Configuration File
The easyest way to get started with the configruation is to create both a reference file, thats one with everything, and a minimal file that will get you started using the tool.
Creating a Reference File
If you run devopsmigration init --options Reference -c configuration-ref.json
the output should be a file with all posible options using the Sample data.
Creating a Minimal File
To get a file that you can use its best to start with a minimal file. If you run devopsmigration init --options Basic --overwrite
thsi will create that minimal file.
Other options
Right now we support:
- Reference - Create the reference file with everything
*Basic WorkItemTracking* - Create a minimal file with just the WorkItemTracking processor enabled - PipelineProcessor - Create a minimal file with just the PipelineProcessor enabled
Note: Azure DevOps Migration Tools do not ship with internal default configuration and will not function without one.
To create your config file just type devopsmigration init
in the directory that you unzipped the tools and a minimal configuration.json
file will be created. Modify this as you need.
Note that the generated file show all the possible options, you configuration file will probably only need a subset of those shown.
Global configuration
The global configuration created by the init
command look something like this:
"Serilog": {
"MinimumLevel": "Debug"
"MigrationTools": {
"Version": "16.0",
"Endpoints": {
"Source": {
"EndpointType": "TfsTeamProjectEndpoint",
"Collection": "",
"Project": "migrationSource1",
"AllowCrossProjectLinking": false,
"Authentication": {
"AuthenticationMode": "AccessToken",
"AccessToken": "",
"NetworkCredentials": {
"UserName": "",
"Password": "",
"Domain": ""
"LanguageMaps": {
"AreaPath": "Area",
"IterationPath": "Iteration"
"Target": {
"EndpointType": "TfsTeamProjectEndpoint",
"Collection": "",
"Project": "migrationTest5",
"TfsVersion": "AzureDevOps",
"Authentication": {
"AuthenticationMode": "AccessToken",
"AccessToken": "",
"NetworkCredentials": {
"UserName": "",
"Password": "",
"Domain": ""
"ReflectedWorkItemIdField": "nkdScrum.ReflectedWorkItemId",
"AllowCrossProjectLinking": false,
"LanguageMaps": {
"AreaPath": "Area",
"IterationPath": "Iteration"
"CommonTools": {
"WorkItemTypeMappingTool": {
"Enabled": true,
"Mappings": {
"User Story": "Product Backlog Item"
"StringManipulatorTool": {
"Enabled": true,
"MaxStringLength": 1000000,
"Manipulators": [
"$type": "RegexStringManipulator",
"Enabled": true,
"Pattern": "[^( -~)\n\r\t]+",
"Replacement": "",
"Description": "Remove invalid characters from the end of the string"
"TfsAttachmentTool": {
"RefName": "TfsAttachmentTool",
"Enabled": true,
"ExportBasePath": "c:\\temp\\WorkItemAttachmentExport",
"MaxRevisions": 480000000
"TfsChangeSetMappingTool": {
"Enabled": true,
"File": "C:\\temp\\ChangeSetMappingFile.json"
"FieldMappingTool": {
"Enabled": true,
"FieldMaps": [
"FieldMapType": "FieldtoFieldMap",
"ApplyTo": [ "SomeWorkItemType" ],
"sourceField": "System.AcceptanceCriteria",
"targetField": "System.AcceptanceCriteria2"
"FieldMapType": "FieldtoFieldMap",
"ApplyTo": [ "SomeWorkItemType" ],
"sourceField": "System.Description",
"targetField": "System.Description2"
"GitRepoMappingTool": {
"Enabled": true,
"Mappings": {
"Source Repo Name": "Target Repo Name"
"TfsNodeStructureTool": {
"Enabled": true,
"Areas": {
"Filters": [ " *\\Team 1,*\\Team 1\\**" ],
"Mappings": {
"^Skypoint Cloud([\\\\]?.*)$": "MigrationTest5$1",
"^7473924d-c47f-4089-8f5c-077c728b576e([\\\\]?.*)$": "MigrationTest5$1"
"Iterations": {
"Filters": [],
"Mappings": {
"^Skypoint Cloud([\\\\]?.*)$": "MigrationTest5$1",
"^7473924d-c47f-4089-8f5c-077c728b576e([\\\\]?.*)$": "MigrationTest5$1"
"ShouldCreateMissingRevisionPaths": true,
"ReplicateAllExistingNodes": true
"TfsRevisionManagerTool": {
"Enabled": true,
"ReplayRevisions": true,
"MaxRevisions": 0
"TfsTeamSettingsTool": {
"Enabled": true,
"MigrateTeamSettings": true,
"UpdateTeamSettings": true,
"MigrateTeamCapacities": true,
"Teams": [ "Team 1", "Team 2" ]
"Processors": [
"ProcessorType": "TfsWorkItemMigrationProcessor",
"Enabled": true,
"UpdateCreatedDate": true,
"UpdateCreatedBy": true,
"WIQLQuery": "SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject] = @TeamProject AND [System.WorkItemType] NOT IN ('Test Suite', 'Test Plan','Shared Steps','Shared Parameter','Feedback Request') ORDER BY [System.ChangedDate] desc",
"FixHtmlAttachmentLinks": false,
"WorkItemCreateRetryLimit": 5,
"FilterWorkItemsThatAlreadyExistInTarget": false,
"PauseAfterEachWorkItem": false,
"AttachRevisionHistory": false,
"GenerateMigrationComment": true,
"WorkItemIDs": [ 12 ],
"MaxGracefulFailures": 0,
"SkipRevisionWithInvalidIterationPath": false,
"SkipRevisionWithInvalidAreaPath": false
Anatomy of the Configuration File
Name | Status | Target | Usage |
AzureDevOpsEndpoint | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
missing XML code comments |
FileSystemWorkItemEndpoint | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
missing XML code comments |
TfsEndpoint | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
missing XML code comments |
TfsTeamProjectEndpoint | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
missing XML code comments |
TfsTeamSettingsEndpoint | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
missing XML code comments |
TfsWorkItemEndpoint | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
missing XML code comments |
Name | Status | Target | Usage |
AzureDevOpsPipelineProcessor | Beta | Pipelines |
Azure DevOps Processor that migrates Taskgroups, Build- and Release Pipelines. |
KeepOutboundLinkTargetProcessor | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
missing XML code comments |
OutboundLinkCheckingProcessor | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
missing XML code comments |
ProcessDefinitionProcessor | Beta | Pipelines |
Process definition processor used to keep processes between two orgs in sync |
TfsExportProfilePictureFromADProcessor | alpha | Profiles |
Downloads corporate images and updates TFS/Azure DevOps profiles |
TfsExportUsersForMappingProcessor | ready | Work Items |
ExportUsersForMappingContext is a tool used to create a starter mapping file for users between the source and target systems. Use |
TfsImportProfilePictureProcessor | alpha | Profiles |
Downloads corporate images and updates TFS/Azure DevOps profiles |
TfsSharedQueryProcessor | Beta | Queries |
The TfsSharedQueryProcessor enabled you to migrate queries from one locatio nto another. |
TfsTeamSettingsProcessor | Beta | Teams |
Native TFS Processor, does not work with any other Endpoints. |
TfsTestConfigurationsMigrationProcessor | Beta | Suites & Plans |
This processor can migrate |
TfsTestPlansAndSuitesMigrationProcessor | Beta | Suites & Plans |
Rebuilds Suits and plans for Test Cases migrated using the WorkItemMigration |
TfsTestVariablesMigrationProcessor | Beta | Suites & Plans |
This processor can migrate test variables that are defined in the test plans / suites. This must run before |
TfsWorkItemBulkEditProcessor | missing XML code comments | WorkItem |
This processor allows you to make changes in place where we load from teh Target and update the Target. This is used for bulk updates with the most common reason being a process template change. |
TfsWorkItemDeleteProcessor | ready | WorkItem |
The |
TfsWorkItemMigrationProcessor | ready | Work Items |
WorkItemMigrationConfig is the main processor used to Migrate Work Items, Links, and Attachments. Use |
TfsWorkItemOverwriteAreasAsTagsProcessor | Beta | Work Item |
A common issue with older TFS/Azure DevOps instances is the proliferation of |
TfsWorkItemOverwriteProcessor | preview | Work Items |
Reapply field mappings after a migration. Does not migtate Work Items, only reapplied changes to filed mappings. |
WorkItemTrackingProcessor | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
This processor is intended, with the aid of ProcessorEnrichers, to allow the migration of Work Items between two Endpoints. |
Common Tools
Name | Status | Target | Usage |
FieldMappingTool | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
missing XML code comments |
StringManipulatorTool | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
Used to process the String fields of a work item. This is useful for cleaning up data. It will limit fields to a max length and apply regex replacements based on what is configured. Each regex replacement is applied in order and can be enabled or disabled. |
TfsAttachmentTool | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
missing XML code comments |
TfsChangeSetMappingTool | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
missing XML code comments |
TfsEmbededImagesTool | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
missing XML code comments |
TfsGitRepositoryTool | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
missing XML code comments |
TfsNodeStructureTool | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
The TfsNodeStructureToolEnricher is used to create missing nodes in the target project. To configure it add a |
TfsRevisionManagerTool | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
The TfsRevisionManagerTool manipulates the revisions of a work item to reduce the number of revisions that are migrated. |
TfsTeamSettingsTool | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
The TfsUserMappingTool is used to map users from the source to the target system. Run it with the ExportUsersForMappingContext to create a mapping file then with WorkItemMigrationContext to use the mapping file to update the users in the target system as you migrate the work items. |
TfsUserMappingTool | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
The TfsUserMappingTool is used to map users from the source to the target system. Run it with the ExportUsersForMappingContext to create a mapping file then with WorkItemMigrationContext to use the mapping file to update the users in the target system as you migrate the work items. |
TfsValidateRequiredFieldTool | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
missing XML code comments |
TfsWorkItemEmbededLinkTool | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
missing XML code comments |
TfsWorkItemLinkTool | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
missing XML code comments |
WorkItemTypeMappingTool | missing XML code comments | missing XML code comments |
Used to process the String fields of a work item. This is useful for cleaning up data. It will limit fields to a max length and apply regex replacements based on what is configured. Each regex replacement is applied in order and can be enabled or disabled. |
And the description of the available options are:
Allows you to submit trace to Application Insights to allow the development team to diagnose any issues that may be found. If you are submitting a support ticket then please include the Session GUID found in your log file for that run. This will help us find the problem.
Note: All exceptions that you encounter will surface inside of Visual Studio as the developers are working on the source. This will make sure that they tackle issues as they arise.
Source & Target
Both the Source
and Target
entries hold the collection URL and the Team Project name that you are connecting to. The Source
is where the tool will read the data to migrate. The Target
is where the tool will write the data.
For multi Language support you can add the name used in the source and target for both ‘Area’ and ‘Iteration’. This allows a migration from one language version of TFS / Azure DevOps to another.
This is the field that will be used to store the state for the migration . See Server Configuration
This configuration allows to set the configuration for some enrichers at the global level, and the configuration can
then be re-used in processors. Currently supported only by TfsNodeStructureOption
, to be re-used in
and TestPlansAndSuitesMigrationConfig
You can specify BasePaths for Areas/Iterations to migrate. The area/iteration has to start with that string to be eligible for migration. E.g. BasePath = “Product\Area\Path1”
With existing areas: “Product\Area\Path1\TestArea” “SomeOtherProduct\Area\Path1\TestArea” “Product\OtherArea\Path1\TestArea”
only the first one matches the BasePath “Product\Area\Path1” and would be migrated, the other ones are ignored.
Field Maps
There are a number of field maps available for when you need to change the data as you are processing it. These mappings work for both in place bulk edit, and for project to project migrations.
"FieldMaps": [
"$type": "VstsSyncMigrator.Engine.Configuration.FieldMap.MultiValueConditionalMapConfig",
"WorkItemTypeName": "*",
"sourceFieldsAndValues": {
"Field1": "Value1",
"Field2": "Value2"
"targetFieldsAndValues": {
"Field1": "Value1",
"Field2": "Value2"
"$type": "VstsSyncMigrator.Engine.Configuration.FieldMap.FieldBlankMapConfig",
"WorkItemTypeName": "*",
"targetField": "TfsMigrationTool.ReflectedWorkItemId"
"$type": "VstsSyncMigrator.Engine.Configuration.FieldMap.FieldValueMapConfig",
"WorkItemTypeName": "*",
"sourceField": "System.State",
"targetField": "System.State",
"defaultValue": "New",
"valueMapping": {
"Approved": "New",
"New": "New",
"Committed": "Active",
"In Progress": "Active",
"To Do": "New",
"Done": "Closed"
"$type": "VstsSyncMigrator.Engine.Configuration.FieldMap.FieldtoFieldMapConfig",
"WorkItemTypeName": "*",
"sourceField": "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.BacklogPriority",
"targetField": "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StackRank"
"$type": "VstsSyncMigrator.Engine.Configuration.FieldMap.FieldtoFieldMultiMapConfig",
"WorkItemTypeName": "*",
"SourceToTargetMappings": {
"SourceField1": "TargetField1",
"SourceField2": "TargetField2"
"$type": "VstsSyncMigrator.Engine.Configuration.FieldMap.FieldtoTagMapConfig",
"WorkItemTypeName": "*",
"sourceField": "System.State",
"formatExpression": "ScrumState:{0}"
"$type": "VstsSyncMigrator.Engine.Configuration.FieldMap.FieldMergeMapConfig",
"WorkItemTypeName": "*",
"sourceField1": "System.Description",
"sourceField2": "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.AcceptanceCriteria",
"targetField": "System.Description",
"formatExpression": "{0} <br/><br/><h3>Acceptance Criteria</h3>{1}",
"doneMatch": "##DONE##"
"$type": "VstsSyncMigrator.Engine.Configuration.FieldMap.RegexFieldMapConfig",
"WorkItemTypeName": "*",
"sourceField": "COMPANY.PRODUCT.Release",
"targetField": "COMPANY.DEVISION.MinorReleaseVersion",
"pattern": "PRODUCT \\d{4}.(\\d{1})",
"replacement": "$1"
"$type": "VstsSyncMigrator.Engine.Configuration.FieldMap.FieldValuetoTagMapConfig",
"WorkItemTypeName": "*",
"sourceField": "Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Blocked",
"pattern": "Yes",
"formatExpression": "{0}"
"$type": "VstsSyncMigrator.Engine.Configuration.FieldMap.TreeToTagMapConfig",
"WorkItemTypeName": "*",
"toSkip": 3,
"timeTravel": 1
Iteration Maps and Area Maps
These two configuration elements apply after the NodeBasePaths
selector, i.e.
only on Areas and Iterations that have been selected for migration. They allow
to change the area path, respectively the iteration path, of migrated work items.
These remapping rules are applied both while creating path nodes in the target project and when migrating work items.
These remapping rules are applied with a higher priority than the
option. This means that if no declared rule matches the
path and the PrefixProjectToNodes
option is enabled, then the old behavior is
The syntax is a dictionary of regular expressions and the replacement text.
Warning: These follow the .net regular expression language. The key in the dictionary is a regular expression search pattern, while the value is a regular expression replacement pattern. It is therefore possible to use back-references in the replacement string.
Warning: Special characters in the acceptation of regular expressions and
json both need to be escaped. For a key, this means, for example, that a
literal backslash must be escaped for the regular expression language \\
and each of these backslashes must then be escaped for the json encoding:
. In the replacement string, a literal $
must be escaped with an
additional $
if it is followed by a number (due to the special meaning in
regular expression replacement strings), while a backslash must be escaped
) due to the special meaning in json.
Advice: To avoid unexpected results, always match terminating backslashes in the search pattern and replacement string: if a search pattern ends with a backslash, you should also put one in the replacement string, and if the search pattern does not include a terminating backslash, then none should be included in the replacement string.
Examples explained
"IterationMaps": {
"^OriginalProject\\\\Path1(?=\\\\Sprint 2022)": "TargetProject\\AnotherPath\\NewTeam",
"^OriginalProject\\\\Path1(?=\\\\Sprint 2020)": "TargetProject\\AnotherPath\\Archives\\Sprints 2020",
"^OriginalProject\\\\Path2": "TargetProject\\YetAnotherPath\\Path2",
"AreaMaps": {
"^OriginalProject\\\\(DescopeThis|DescopeThat)": "TargetProject\\Archive\\Descoped\\",
"^OriginalProject\\\\(?!DescopeThis|DescopeThat)": "TargetProject\\NewArea\\",
"^OriginalProject\\\\Path1(?=\\\\Sprint 2022)": "TargetProject\\AnotherPath\\NewTeam",
In an iteration path,
found at the beginning of the path, when followed by\Sprint 2022
, will be replaced byTargetProject\AnotherPath\NewTeam
.OriginalProject\Path1\Sprint 2022\Sprint 01
will becomeTargetProject\AnotherPath\NewTeam\Sprint 2022\Sprint 01
butOriginalProject\Path1\Sprint 2020\Sprint 03
will not be transformed by this rule. -
"^OriginalProject\\\\Path1(?=\\\\Sprint 2020)": "TargetProject\\AnotherPath\\Archives\\Sprints 2020",
In an iteration path,
found at the beginning of the path, when followed by\Sprint 2020
, will be replaced byTargetProject\AnotherPath\Archives\\Sprints 2020
.OriginalProject\Path1\Sprint 2020\Sprint 01
will becomeTargetProject\AnotherPath\Archives\Sprint 2020\Sprint 01
butOriginalProject\Path1\Sprint 2021\Sprint 03
will not be transformed by this rule. -
"^OriginalProject\\\\Path2": "TargetProject\\YetAnotherPath\\Path2",
In an iteration path,
will be replaced byTargetProject\YetAnotherPath\Path2
. -
"^OriginalProject\\\\(DescopeThis|DescopeThat)": "TargetProject\\Archive\\Descoped\\",
In an area path,
found at the beginning of the path, when followed by eitherDescopeThis
will be replaced byTargetProject\Archive\Descoped\
will be transformed toTargetProject\Archive\Descoped\DescopeThis\Area
will be transformed toTargetProject\Archive\Descoped\DescopeThat\Product
. -
"^OriginalProject\\\\(?!DescopeThis|DescopeThat)": "TargetProject\\NewArea\\",
In an area path,
found at the beginning of the path will be replaced byTargetProject\NewArea\
unless it is followed byDescopeThis
would be replaced byTargetProject\NewArea\ValidArea\
would not be modified by this rule.