Azure DevOps Migration Tools


Azure DevOps Migration Tools allow you to migrate Teams, Backlogs, Tasks, Test Cases, and Plans & Suites from one Project to another in Azure DevOps / TFS both within the same Organisation, and between Organisations.





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2025-03-12 08:32:10 +0000

We provide a number of Processors that can be used to migrate diferent sorts of data. These processors are the original traditional processors.

Name Status Target Usage
AzureDevOpsPipelineProcessor Beta Pipelines

Azure DevOps Processor that migrates Taskgroups, Build- and Release Pipelines.

KeepOutboundLinkTargetProcessor missing XML code comments missing XML code comments

missing XML code comments

OutboundLinkCheckingProcessor missing XML code comments missing XML code comments

missing XML code comments

ProcessDefinitionProcessor Beta Pipelines

Process definition processor used to keep processes between two orgs in sync

TfsExportProfilePictureFromADProcessor alpha Profiles

Downloads corporate images and updates TFS/Azure DevOps profiles

TfsExportUsersForMappingProcessor ready Work Items

ExportUsersForMappingContext is a tool used to create a starter mapping file for users between the source and target systems. Use ExportUsersForMappingConfig to configure.

TfsImportProfilePictureProcessor alpha Profiles

Downloads corporate images and updates TFS/Azure DevOps profiles

TfsSharedQueryProcessor Beta Queries

The TfsSharedQueryProcessor enabled you to migrate queries from one locatio nto another.

TfsTeamSettingsProcessor Beta Teams

Native TFS Processor, does not work with any other Endpoints.

TfsTestConfigurationsMigrationProcessor Beta Suites & Plans

This processor can migrate test configuration. This should be run before LinkMigrationConfig.

TfsTestPlansAndSuitesMigrationProcessor Beta Suites & Plans

Rebuilds Suits and plans for Test Cases migrated using the WorkItemMigration

TfsTestVariablesMigrationProcessor Beta Suites & Plans

This processor can migrate test variables that are defined in the test plans / suites. This must run before TestPlansAndSuitesMigrationConfig.

TfsWorkItemBulkEditProcessor missing XML code comments WorkItem

This processor allows you to make changes in place where we load from teh Target and update the Target. This is used for bulk updates with the most common reason being a process template change.

TfsWorkItemDeleteProcessor ready WorkItem

The WorkItemDelete processor allows you to delete any amount of work items that meet the query. DANGER: This is not a recoverable action and should be use with extream caution.

TfsWorkItemMigrationProcessor ready Work Items

WorkItemMigrationConfig is the main processor used to Migrate Work Items, Links, and Attachments. Use WorkItemMigrationConfig to configure.

TfsWorkItemOverwriteAreasAsTagsProcessor Beta Work Item

A common issue with older TFS/Azure DevOps instances is the proliferation of Area Paths. With the use of Area Path for Teams and the addition of the Node Name column option these extensive tag hierarchies should instad be moved to tags.

TfsWorkItemOverwriteProcessor preview Work Items

Reapply field mappings after a migration. Does not migtate Work Items, only reapplied changes to filed mappings.

WorkItemTrackingProcessor missing XML code comments missing XML code comments

This processor is intended, with the aid of ProcessorEnrichers, to allow the migration of Work Items between two Endpoints.

Processor Options

All processors have a minimum set of options that are required to run.

Minimum Options to run

The Enabled options is common to all processors.

      "$type": "ProcessorConfig",
      "Enabled": true,
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Commercial Support

We provide training, ad-hoc support, and full service migrations through Azure DevOps Migration Services